Disney to start bundling ESPN streaming inside the Disney+ app
1 month ago by courtneyferg...
7 Reply

The very last thing I want to see when I open up Disney is ESPN. I dont watch sports. But sure enough - to make 2 dollars extra disney will shove it down my throat
1 month ago by kevinscott

Disney is not an entertainment business anymore. Nor is it a studio. It behaves like a CFO office or a private equity company and all the management is doing is financial engineering. Did not learn their lesson when "tech" companies like Netflix, Amazon start eating market share.
1 month ago by samanthamoore

But, as with cable, ESPN costs Disney an absolute bundle, which they used to charge cable companies for and who then turned around and rolled ESPN into every last bundle to spread the costs.

We're right back there, again. D+ was a camel's nose under the tent and, yet again, they'll roll that ESPN monstrosity into apps so that everyone, regardless if they want it or not, will pay to subsidize those that do. Cable-cutting was a temporary breath before the plunge right back into raiding everyone's wallets again.
1 month ago by joshuayoung

Over the past couple of years Disney has had problems with consistency. They continually take one giant step forward and follow it with two steps back. They need to pare back mistakes. Delaying the Snow White movie was a good idea. Don't try to improve something that is inherently flawed or of poor quality by using clever techniques or skills. You can't make a silk purse of a sow's ear.
1 month ago by nathansullivan

Wasnt a P/E of 40 something historically an assessment that there was a future of rapid significant revenue growth? I just dont see that: the physical parks are at crowd capacity and new rides/renovations cost billions; ships take years to build; the movie segment swings from loss to gain on 1 movie; and the common refrain on the TV subscriptions is that they are expensive. Where is the growth?
1 month ago by aprilrichardson

Their subscriber agreement says that they will show ads even if the subscription tier is called "NO advertising".
1 month ago by camilagonzalez

Pay more - you will get ads in a higher resolution :)
1 month ago by kaylathompson