Tequila sales are declining.
Major brands are now competing on price

- Overall shift towards less alcohol in the US
- Premium brands like Casamigos, Don Julio and Patron are selling at a discount

Original article - https://www.wsj.com/business/retail/casamigos-patron-tequila-price-b0a462a6
1 month ago by hanachoi
11 Reply

I’d say all alcohol is fading. Just top of mind….

1. The population is aging. In 2000 average age 35, now 38. Less propensity to “party."

2. As people get older they do not tolerate alcohol as well. Bodies have a lower water content, livers work less well. Slower metabolism (more time needed to process alcohol). Medication interactions. Likely worse hangovers for the more enthusiastic drinkers.

3. More emphasis on healthy living

4. There are just so many beverage options out there besides tequila and within each category so many brands. It is a commodity at the end of the day

5. And budget constraints. Drinking is just too expensive going out
1 month ago by lindsaycoleman

I have two older teens, one in college. They don’t drink and a lot of their friends don’t either. There are still young people drinking, but not as much as we (GenX) did.
1 month ago by diegoramirez

I don't drink any liquor but i watch with amusement the prices folks pay for "top shelf" i challenge them to discern the difference and as is the case with wine it is way more common than it should be that they can't. Seeing celebrities like that gas bag Clooney create a brand and have people buy it because of his association just proves my point.
1 month ago by sakurawatanabe

A nice Cabernet (in moderation) is more appealing to me personally
1 month ago by sofiarodriguez

I was surprised to read that Tequilla is the second most popular liquor in this country. I love Tequilla and Mezcal, but I don’t think I’ve purchased any of the brands referenced in this article. There are so many good labels at all price points. I’m glad to know George Clooney co-founded Casamigos. I’ll be sure to avoid that.
1 month ago by lindsaycoleman

Premium Tequila was never a "staple" drink. It was always a very specific crowd that ordered name-brand Tequila - out with people to show off the brand to. Like LV. It was never about the drink per se - unlike any other alcohol category. People who order beer, wine, whiskey, gin, rum or vodka, even the most expensive kind, actually do drink it outside of a social context too.
1 month ago by rikuyamamoto

My philosophy is that people should drink what they like. I don’t like liquor snobbery. That said, in my experience price often correlates with quality, but not always. I’m confident I will never buy Casamigas.
1 month ago by nathansullivan

As you said - quality correlates with price. I buy premium liquor because I enjoy it. There's never a shortage of faux connoisseurs who pay more attention to labels than taste. But one sip of cheap Cuervo, then one sip of Don Julio should convince anyone with taste buds: You get what you pay for.
1 month ago by gregoryfoster

My experience is more expensive alcohol generally equates less hangover at least up to medium grades.

The difference in flavor between a cheap and mid-grade bottle is often very noticeable. Between a mid-grade and high grade bottle is often impossible to tell especially with liquor.
1 month ago by melissaturner

Who are these people who have nothing better to do than worry about what brand of tequila they are buying, and how many of them are there? Not even 1%
1 month ago by nicholaswhite

We are not buying a premium "brand" alone. We are buying a premium acohol for its taste. No one cares about the brand
1 month ago by jessicarobinson